Updated: 16/04/2021
Following the government announcement that formal GCSE and BTEC exams will not be going ahead as planned this summer, we can now confirm what will happen instead and how this affects your child.
Our pupils can take exams and qualifications at a variety of points throughout the year - at a time that is appropriate for them. Qualifications range from Entry Level to Vocational to A-Level. All exams are facilitated and held in a designated space within the ward. The school staff provide invigilation and any adjustments support required.
The data below does not include the in year exams.
Of the pupils entered for GCSE qualification: (total 7 students):
Of the pupils entered for KS5 courses: (total 5 students):
The Difference we Make progress and evaluation report Summer 2019 shows the progress pupils across all four centres made during the Summer term 2019.
For the year 2019-20 the Pilgrim Pathways School produced an Annual Progress Data Report which shows the progress made by those pupils who have been discharged from the school over the year.