Pilgrim Pathways School tailors the education programme for each pupil to meet their individual needs and give them the skills, knowledge and resilience to be successful. We aim to support the reintegration of students into full time education in school, further education or employment. The development of students’ resilience, independence and self-esteem is central to all our work.
We provide a safe, stimulating and supportive learning environment and identify and challenge aspects of behaviour that contribute to difficulties experienced in mainstream provision. Whilst with us pupils make good progress in learning and we support mainstream schools in the development and delivery of effective strategies to continue the pupils’ successful education journey.
All pupils will be provided with high quality teaching that is differentiated to meet the needs of all learners. Our approach and offer is bespoke to each centre but our main principles of approach include:
Classroom environments have been designed to meet the needs of the pupils in the specific units. For example: there is a soft room at The Croft and The Darwin which is set up as a nurture group layout. Learning spaces can be adapted to meet the students’ needs and learning preferences. Students can be taught by the bedside where their illness impedes them from accessing the educational setting in some units.
All local authorities working with their partners must publish information about how children and young people 0 - 25 who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) are supported in their area. This is known as the local offer. The local offer includes information on:
SENDCo (Whole School)
Nadine Gooding-Hebert
Nadine Gooding-Hebert
Each CENTRE has an allocated teacher who is very experienced in dealing with children and young people with special educational and acute medical needs. In the first instance they are the point of contact.