We are committed to ensuring that pupils continue to receive high quality learning whilst either in isolation on the ward or at home. The majority of remote learning activities will take place through Google Classroom or through the bespoke package of work received from the home school. Both sources of materials will be made available in the students Google folder of which they have shared access with the centre teachers.
Teachers will upload resources on the day that they are due to teach your child, and lessons set will include a combination of pre-recorded material, PowerPoints, high quality worksheets and use of the chat forum on Google Classroom where possible. During the school day, pupils will be expected to follow each of their classes at its normal time where possible and timetabled.
Submission of work will be monitored and all learning submitted will be given teacher feedback. Home learning tasks that would normally be set as part of the curriculum, will continue to be assigned, and will also be accessed through Google Classroom.
If you require more support on how to help your child to use Google Classroom, then please click here which will take to an instructional video and a short guide. Your child should have received their Google Classroom login details from their Teacher in Charge already.
If your child does not have access to Google Classroom via a computer or mobile device, or there is a problem with internet access, then please speak to the Teacher in Charge in the centre who will be able to assist you further.
In addition to Google Classrooms, you and your child may wish to access other free resources.
Here is a selection that we think may be of use: