School Priorities 2020 - 2021
Priority 1:
Ensure an outstanding curriculum and excellent teaching and learning to support students in becoming career and life ready
- 1.1 Further develop marking and feedback across all key stages and centres
- 1.2 Further develop assessment data collation to all stakeholders
- 1.3 Further develop high-quality information, advice and guidance (IAG) on careers and post-16 destinations
- 1.4 Further develop remote and classroom-based curriculum allowing for curriculum recovery targeted opportunities
- 1.5 Further develop opportunities to promote equality and diversity within our community
Priority 2:
Further strengthen the offer for pupils of SEN to ensure it is effective and consistently applied across the whole school
- 2.1 Further develop bespoke SEND offer and pathways for each centre
- 2.2 Further develop placement outcomes and long-term destinations success
Priority 3:
Further strengthen communication so that all stakeholders are fully enabled to support all pupils making excellent progress in lessons and a successful transition
- 3.1 As part of the SEND pathway, strengthen protocols and evidence of early communication with key stakeholders
- 3.2 Strengthen early diagnostic assessment pathways of potential SEN
Priority 4:
Develop leadership skills, at all levels, to influence and support school improvement
- 4.1 Further develop post holders, including new colleagues, with leadership responsibilities
- 4.2 Further develop access to professional and career development opportunities
- 4.3 Develop internal leadership capacity by establishing an Extended Leadership Team
- 4.4 Ensure appraisals are fit for purpose, realistic and linked to school priorities
Priority 5:
Develop the culture and ethos of the school to create a ‘One School’ model that is embedded across all sites
- 5.1 Maximise opportunities to further embed the ‘One School’ message across the school
Priority 6:
Develop a marketing strategy to raise the profile as ‘One School’ in the community and across the Local Authority
- 6.1 Ensure schools branding reflects provision offer and projects a highly professional service
- 6.2 Further develop the school recruitment strategy to ensure we are attracting highest quality candidates